[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. June 22

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 22 10:11:38 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Boy, we'd better get moved into the new building soon because it seems 
like everything left over here is starting to break down on us!  Our ice 
cream machine has been very unpredictable lately, up one day and down 
the next, (and down today), and the remaining working elevator has gone 
into malfunction mode, as well as a freezer and a cooler!  On the up 
side though, my office feels cooler than it has in a while, so the AC 
must be working again!  It seems like it's one of those Murphy's Law 
days, where anything that can go wrong will, and at the worst possible 

It should be a really great week for those of you who like it really hot 
and dry, because that's what it looks like is coming up.  I really feel 
for those folks who have to be out working in it.  I want to fall over  
from just thinking about the heat!  I love that little window of time in 
the evening when it cools off enough for you to get out and do some 
yardwork, etc., and before it gets too dark.  Be sure and water your 
plants thoroughly and put out plenty of water for your outdoor pets, 
too.  Don't do what I did and water a batch of kittens!  We have a 
little female cat that we've taken in and she's really had a rough 
year.  Her previous owners moved off and left her, so she just scooted 
across the road and moved in at our place, then she got shot with an 
arrow recently and had to be taken to the vet, then before too long, we 
found out she was pregnant!  We had her and the kittens a bed made in a  
wooden box in front of the house, but for some reason, this became 
unsatisfactory to her so she moved her babies somewhere else.  I had not 
watched her long enough to figure out where she'd put them yet, but 
noticed that I needed to water my plants, so I went and got my watering 
pot and proceeded to water in amongst the foliage in a big half barrel 
planter, when I started hearing mewing!  That's one way to find kittens, 
I guess.  Glad I wasn't using the hose! 

Our menu for today includes:
            Chicken nuggets
            Burritos with chili and cheese
            French fries
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Green beans
            Scandinavian blend vegetables
            Mixed vegetables
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some yummy Bread Pudding.

Keep cool,

Rhoda    8-)     
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