[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. March 2!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 2 09:42:02 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Whoohoo!  We've made it to March!  The days are already getting longer 
and will be getting warmer (maybe after today), and Spring Break is just 
around the corner!   I believe this coming weekend will be the weekend 
to change our clocks, you know "spring forward"?   We'll lose an hour of 
sleep, but what the heck, we'll be gaining an extra hour of daylight to 
get out and do stuff in!  After being somewhat cooped up all winter, I'm 
ready to get outside some and and enjoy the spring flowers and the birds 
singing.  And some days when I'm leaving work, I think I can hear the 
crack of a bat on a baseball or softball from over on the field!  I'm 
not too up on all the details of the game, but I know that's a good 
sound when I hear it.  Kinda puts a smile on my face and starts that 
John Fogerty song playing in my head...Put me in coach...  

Our lunch menu for today includes:
             Steak fingers
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             California blend vegetables
             Baked potato bar
             Meat and cheese nachos
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have some yummy soft serve Ice Cream with a variety of 
Toppings to choose from.

Have a great Monday,

Rhoda   :-)

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