[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Mar. 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Mar 4 09:44:35 CST 2009

Hi folks,

I enjoyed the Skillpath training sessions yesterday.  One of the things 
we talked about a little was whether we're morning people or not.   I'm 
definitely a NOT.   (I need a T-shirt that says in big letters N.A.M.P. 
Not A Morning Person.)  That's one reason I'll be so glad when the time 
changes this weekend (even though we'll lose an hour of sleep) and we 
get more daylight in the evening when it's good for something.  (Why 
waste it when you're stuck at work anyway?  If I'm at work, I don't care 
if it's dark outside, but when I get off, I want it to be daylight long 
enough for me to go enjoy it.)  Personally, I think morning people must 
not have enough chores to do or they wouldn't be able to get in bed so 
doggone early to get up so early.  They're obviously not having to wait 
up for a load of laundry to get done so they can put it in the dryer and 
start another one.  Can you tell I'm still in my "tired and grumpy til 
after lunch" phase?

Be sure and make plans to attend the Andrew Enis Percussion Concert this 
Friday evening at 7:00 at the Presbyterian Church. This talented young 
man comes from a musical background, being the son of Eastern's own 
music director, Mr. Paul Enis, and possesses a wonderful talent in his 
own right.  This should prove to be a very unusual and entertaining 
concert and I encourage anyone interested in music to attend.  Cost is 
$10 and assorted refreshments will be provided.  This concert is part of 
the series sponsored by the Latimer County Arts Council and the proceeds 
will go toward providing all sorts of artistic and cultural programs to 
the four Latimer County school systems throughout the year. 

Our lunch menu for today includes:
             Roast beef
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Glazed carrots
             Baked potato bar
             Frito pies
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have some irresistible Chocolate Delight.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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