[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. March 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 5 09:52:37 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Well, once again it's Biggest Loser weigh in day.  I hope we have some 
more impressive losses to report.  The weather is definitely improving 
to the point where we can all start getting out and getting some 
exercise and fresh air, and that should improve our mood and our weigh 
in results.  I always walk over to the Fieldhouse for weigh in and that 
alone makes me feel like I've done something positive for myself (after 
I catch my breath, anyway).

I wanted to attend  the Nutrition Seminar the other day, but it was the 
same day we had the Skillpath training and I do have things I need to 
do, so I just had to let that go.  I've noticed since I started working 
here that we have speakers frequently on a variety of different subjects 
that are open to us all to go and learn, and I try to take advantage of 
as many of these as I can, but sometimes it's just hard to get away from 
your work. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Au gratin potatoes
             Garden blend rice
             Zucchini and tomatoes
             Brussels sprouts
             California blend vegetables
             Hot ham and cheese on a bun
             Potato chips
             Potato soup

And for dessert put a smile on your face with our wonderful Ice Cream 
and Toppings, (but you might want to wait til after you weigh in!).

Have a great day,

Rhoda  :-)


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