[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. March 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 12 10:06:49 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Well, the cold front is still with us, and is supposed to stick around 
for at least a couple more days.  It looks like Sunday should be getting 
back up into a more comfortable temperature range, along with  Spring 
Break week.  That's what we want to hear isn't it? 

Be sure and make a note to attend the Spring Choir Concert this evening 
at 7:00 in Mitchell Auditorium.   Mr. Enis, Mary Ford and their students 
always do a wonderful job any time  they put on a performance.  

And don't forget today is Biggest Loser weigh in day once again.  Some 
sort of weird "gravitational anomaly" kept me from posting a loss last 
week, but I hope to be able to redeem myself this week, (especially if I 
don't eat lunch before I weigh in).  I wonder if I'll weigh less because 
I'm cold?  Nah, probably not.   I really need to get motivated.  I have 
a 30th class reunion coming up in about a month.  I know, I never 
thought when I was young that it was possible for me to get this old.   
Of course, now that I am this old, it doesn't seem that old at all, just 
another day.  And I plan on getting a lot older before it's over with!

Our menu for today includes:
             Steak fingers
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             California blend vegetables
             BBQ on a bun
             Pasta bar
             Garlic bread

And for dessert have some yummy Ice Cream with Toppings.    

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)

P. S.  If you're too cold for ice cream, try a cup of our hot chocolate 
instead.  We have it in both regular and artificially sweetened versions 
and it's yummy!


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