[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday March 13

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 13 09:43:06 CDT 2009

Happy Friday the 13th everyone,

I don't care if it is the 13th, it's a Friday and that's a good thing, 
especially the Friday before Spring Break.  Now if it would just warm up 
before I get frost bite.  I have to keep going and "checking to make 
sure the oven is still working".  (This is done by spending some time 
standing in front of it thawing out mainly).

With a total loss of 136 pounds over all of campus, it sounds like our 
Biggest Loser project is doing good things for everyone's health.  I did 
better this week than last week, so that was very encouraging to me.  I 
really wouldn't mind getting down at least close to what my driver's 
license says I weigh.  Of course, I'd have to get a whole new 
wardrobe.   Now if I won the pot that wouldn't be so hard.   
Hmmm...there's some encouragement.

Our menu for today includes:
             Pit ham
             Chicken with noodles
             Baked potato bar
             Black eyed peas
             Broccoli with cheese sauce
             Crispy cubed potatoes
And for dessert have a yummy Chocolate Brownie.

Have a great Spring Break,

Rhoda   :-)
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