[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon May 4 09:45:16 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

What a wet weekend we had!  I think our April showers are running 
overtime.  I'm ready for sunny days and 73 degree weather.  Of course, 
around here, the sunny thing usually gets overdone, too, and we don't 
see 73 until sometime in the middle of the night, but we can hope.  At 
least the sod around our new building ought to be taking root nicely 
what with all this rain, (if it hasn't washed away).

It's hard to believe it's graduation week once again here at Eastern.  
Seems like the two years that the students spend here goes by so fast! 

Those of you who missed the play last week really missed a great show!  
We have really got some very talented kids here in our theater 
department and I wouldn't be at all surprised in years to come for some 
of them to become very famous.   Congratulations to everyone involved 
with making this latest EOSC Theater offering the wonderful success that 
it was!

Our menu for today includes:
             Salisbury steak
             Baked potato bar
             Broccoli and cheese
             Pizza and pasta bar
             Chili and cheese fries

And for dessert have some delicious soft serve Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)  

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