[Eoscstudents] Menu for Fri. May 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri May 8 09:59:35 CDT 2009

Happy Graduation Day everyone!

Well, today's the big day everyone's been waiting on.  Graduation day is 
finally here, (or already here, depending on your perspective).  
Congratulations on another successful year here at EOSC, and best wishes 
to those of you who will be leaving us after this semester.  I hope you 
remember your days at Eastern fondly and come back and see us sometime.  
You know you'll want to come and see the new building when it's 
complete, and visit the friends you'll be leaving behind.

Sorry for being MIA yesterday, but I was feeling achy and icky and 
figured the best place for me was home in bed.  When I feel bad, just 
sleeping til it goes away is usually my best remedy.  I'm back in 
commission again today, though, and feeling much better.  I missed the 
Biggest Loser weigh-in yesterday, even though I was feeling pretty light 
after feeling too icky to eat much.

Don't forget to check out the Silent SWEET Auction over by the Business 
Office.  I just came by there and there are all kinds of wonderful 
looking goodies that have my sweet tooth throwing fits and my stomach 
telling me it doesn't care if I don't lose a pound this week, it just 
wants some goodies!  There are several delicious looking cakes, and some 
wonderful looking pies and cookies that could really put you in a better 
frame of mind.  The bidding starts at 10:00 so get over there and stake 
your claim.  All the proceeds go to the Relay for Life so bid as 
generously as you can, especially if you find a favorite dessert of 
yours over there on the table!

Our Graduation Day Lunch menu consists of:
                 Soft tacos
                Pinto beans
                Turnip greens
                Crispy cube potatoes
                Pigs in a blanket
                 French fries with chili and cheese

And for dessert have some luscious Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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