[Eoscstudents] Silent Sweet Auction for Relay for Life TODAY!!!!

Anne Hester ahester at eosc.edu
Fri May 8 10:25:24 CDT 2009

Don't forget about the Silent Sweet Auction going on RIGHT NOW until 1:00pm ON THE NOSE! Come by the Mailboxes by the Business Office and bid on the the delectable, smell-good sweet treats!!! 
There are pies and cakes and cookies and scones I'm not telling you what I bid on, you'll have to come and see for yourself!
The way this works is there will be a piece of paper in front of each item, if you would like to bid write your name and amount you wish to bid for the item. The next person will do the same and out bid you, and at the end of the auction whoever has the highest bid will buy the item. You may bid more than once on any item. 
Please come and support the Eastern Teams in our effort to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

Anne J. Hester, M.A. 
Nursing Grant Project Coordinator 
Eastern Oklahoma State College 
Main Campus 
Gunning Hall 103A 
918-465-1824 (office) 
918-448-9968 (cell)
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