[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Nov. 3

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Nov 3 09:34:17 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Looks like another beautiful day outside for Homecoming Week.  The 4:00 
event today is called Bubble Trouble, and will take place at the Clock 
Tower.  I don't know what this event is all about, but I think I heard 
Sally saying something about human sized balloons, so it should be very 
interesting.  Then at 7:00, the Mr. Eastern contest will take place in 
Mitchell Auditorium.  This event is always hysterically funny, but not 
always suitable for smaller children.  As Sally said yesterday evening 
at the mentalist program, we don't want them to have to have years of 
therapy, so they should probably not come to this show.  Speaking of the 
mentalist program, it was absolutely freaky how he could come up with 
answers there was no way he could know!  And according to Sally also, 
the Cheerleaders dominated the shopping cart jousting event yesterday.  
Imagine that, Cheerleaders being good at a shopping related event!  

Congratulations to April Chandler Caraway for winning the Ipod in the 
Bookstore Student Appreciation drawing last Friday, (on her birthday no 
less,) and to Michael Gipson who won the Hoodie, which I don't think 
he's picked up yet, so if you see him, you might let him know he was the 
lucky winner of this item.

Be sure and check out the newest edition of the Statesman.  There's a 
great article about our PAWS organization in it.  And if it inspires any 
of you to want to join or just help out, or maybe adopt a dog, please 
let one of us know. 

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the grill will be closed the 
rest of the week.  We have people out and the rest of us are covering 
where we can, but it just leaves us too short handed to manage the grill 
too.  We're sorry, we know you love it, but please be patient, we'll 
open it back up as soon as possible.

Our menu for today includes:
            Chicken strips
            Steamed red potatoes
            Baked beans
            Baked potatoes
            Corn on the cob
            Catalina blend vegetables
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some delicious Apricot Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)     
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