[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 18 Thanksgiving menu

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 18 09:53:18 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Wow!  Glad it's warmed up some.  It's 47 degrees now and it was just 39 
a little while ago when I checked.  That's way too close to freezing for 
me.  And the clouds look like they're finally breaking up.  Maybe it 
won't rain today after all, as I have to go to the PAWS pens this 
evening and clean and when it's rained recently, the mud is horrible out 
there.  I always say we have two seasons out there: muddy season and 
dusty season.  And they alternate rapidly and without much notice.  And 
neither one is that much fun.  But the dogs are always happy to see 
anyone who goes out there to clean, to feed them or just to look at them 
and pet them.  They love attention!
And they'd love to be adopted, so if you or someone you know is ready to 
give one a good home, let us know!

If you're ready to have a mood lifting experience, Theatre Eastern will 
be presenting a comedy entitled "Christmas Belles" Thurs. and Fri. 
evenings at 7:30 in Mitchell Auditorium, or if you can't make the 
evening performances, there will be a final dress rehearsal tomorrow at 
1:30 for your enjoyment.  Performances are free to Eastern students, 
faculty and staff, and the public may attend for only $3 or 3 donated 
food items to be distributed to needy families this holiday season.  
(Just one of the ways we at Eastern try to give back to the community.)

Tomorrow, here in the Cafeteria, there will be a Silent Auction Bake 
Sale to help Chandler (April) Caraway raise money to go on the European 
tour to England, Ireland and Wales with the Photography Club next Spring 
Break.  There should be a variety of wonderful goodies to bid on and a 
very happy woman making the plans of a lifetime with your help.   Please 
come over and buy some goodies, or just make a donation to help her 
achieve her dream.

Our Thanksgiving menu for today includes:
          Mashed potatoes
          Sweet peas
          Hot rolls
          Sweet potato casserole
And  we have an assortment of pies to choose from for dessert.

Don't miss this great meal!

Rhoda   :-)
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