[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Sept. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Sep 8 09:53:57 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Boy, am I having flashbacks this morning!  I almost put August, and I 
almost put Monday on the menu date.  Time to get with the program, huh? 
  It is hard to believe we're already a week into September though! 

Labor Day weekend was tiring but nice, and I hear the baseball game went 
well.  I haven't heard how the softball game went, but I hope they did 
well also.  I always like to hear that Eastern won, even though I don't 
understamd all the details. 

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Danny Foster, of the Maintenance 

Our menu for today incliudes:
                 Pork chops
                 Mashed potatoes and gravy
                 Sweet peas
                 Baked potato bar
                 French fries
                 Hot rolls

And for dessert have a piece of luscious Lemon Cake.

And don't forget about our Grill at lunch.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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