[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Sept. 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Sep 4 10:06:38 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

I know it's been less than a month since classes have started back, but 
isn't it nice to have an extra day off to look forward to?  I'm sure a 
lot of you will be attending the annual Choctaw Labor Day Festival at 
Tuskahoma.  That's always a fun time, with good food, great FREE 
entertainment, plenty of FREE rides, carnival attractions to test your 
skill, and arts and crafts booths to browse through and shop in.  EOSC's 
Anne Hester, our nursing grant coordinator, will be stationed in the 
Health Tent for a good part of the weekend, so stop by and see her, and 
pick up some free goodies and info on a great career in the nursing 
profession that can start right here at Eastern.  And the weather is 
expected to be several degrees lower than the blistering hot 
temperatures we usually have at this time of year.  (Of course, that 
could be because it might be raining, too.)

Boy, we can tell Baseball and Softball season has kicked into high 
gear.  We've been getting lots of orders for sack lunches from the 
teams.  I always thought that when it rained games were cancelled, but 
they've found a way around that.  They just go where the sun is shining 
to play!  That's one way to do it, huh? 

And don't forget, Mildred is on vacation, so if you have Cafeteria 
needs, please call Ext. 712, and Linda Almy or myself will take care of 
you .

Our lunch menu for today includes:
          Scalloped potatoes
          Field peas
          Green beans
          BBQ wieners
          French fries
          Chicken strips
And for dessert, have a yummy Brownie.

And don't forget the Grill is open til 2:00 today.

Have a fun and safe weekend,

Rhoda   :-)  
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