[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. April 27

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Apr 27 09:47:59 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

I had a busy day off yesterday during which I got more stuff done for my 
mom and my daughter than for myself.  I may need to take a day off 
sometime and not tell anyone else about it if I want to accomplish 
anything I need to get done.

The Cafeteria Crew is preparing for the Lion's Club Banquet this evening 
here in the Student Center.  The Lion's Club meets here for their 
luncheon meeting every Tuesday we're open and are big supporters of 
Eastern, with Mr. John Shero, one of our Board of Regents being a 
member.   They're a great group and we're proud they've chosen Eastern 
to host their regular meetings and special events such as this evening's 

We're also proud to host another great group, the Kiwanis Club, for 
lunch every Wednesday.  Anyone interested in finding out more about 
either of these two organizations should contact a member, or a 
Cafeteria staffer could put you in contact with one.

Biggest Losers, don't forget to weigh in today!  It's getting down to 
the nitty gritty, with only a couple of weeks left after today.  Time to 
put on that extra push to take off those last few pounds.  Get out and 
do some walking and enjoy the local scenery while you improve your 
health.  It'll improve your mental health, too!

Don't forget that Thursday or Friday evening you need to come out and 
see "Annie", performed by Theatre Eastern, under the direction of 
Melissa Lee.  I think this will be the last performance at Eastern for 
some of the wonderful Theater students we've come to know over the last 
two (or three) years, so let's all come out and give them a big send 
off.  I've seen scenes from this play by this group and you'll love it!

Our menu for today includes:
             Pork chops
             Steamed red potatoes
             Brussells sprouts
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a Rice Krispie Treat or a No Bake Cookie (if I 
don't eat them all first!)

And for you Grill fans, it will be back in operation today to make your 
favorite sandwich.

Have a  great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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