[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. April 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 29 09:30:28 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

The Administrative Professionals Appreciation Luncheon was wonderful 
yesterday, both the wonderful meal and getting to hear all the nice 
comments from supervisors about their employees.  We really have a good 
team here at Eastern, and I truly believe that their first concern is 
what's good for the students, as it should be.  I really enjoyed the 
great entertainment by our Sound Sensations.  Loved the old Beach Boys 
tunes.  It reminded me of the time I was watching Dave Letterman and saw 
a group of older fellows on stage preparing to sing.  I hadn't heard the 
introduction so didn't know who they were, and when they began to sing, 
they sounded just like the Beach Boys!  It took me a minute to 
realize...they were the Beach Boys!  After all these years, they might 
want to rethink the Boys part of their name.  I've been calling them The 
Old Beach Geezers ever since, but man they still sound great! 

After all those nice comments about our hard-working employees yesterday 
at the luncheon, surely there's someone out there who wants to nominate 
one of these worthy workers to be the next Employee of the Month.  
Nominations need to be turned in to a Staff Council member by the end of 
the day tomorrow to be eligible.  You can find the form on our website 
or obtain one from a Staff Council member.  The winning employee will be 
presented with an Employee of the Month appreciation certificate, a 
certificate good for one free meal in the Cafeteria, and a gift from the 

Don't forget "Annie" will be performed tonight and tomorrow night at 
7:30 in Mitchell Auditorium courtesy of Theatre Eastern under the 
direction of Melissa Lee.  You don't want to miss this fun musical 
starring some of our own Theatre Eastern students, along with quite a 
good group of area children and others.  As always, admission is free 
for Eastern employees or students.

Anyone interested in finding out more about PAWS, or possibly 
volunteering to help, should attend the meeting tonight at 7:00 at the 
Public Library.  We're always glad to welcome new members.

Our menu today includes:
          Pork ribs
          Corn on the cob
          Scalloped potatoes
          Baked beans  
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a Cinnamon Roll.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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