[Eoscstudents] News for SSS participants and new students

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 9 11:12:48 CDT 2010

By now you have received my e-mail letting you know that SSS was 
refunded.  We are so totally excited!!

If you are NOT a participant in SSS, please take the time to come over 
and see what we have to offer.  We are located in Johnston Hall, first 
floor and on the west end. 

I forgot a couple of things yesterday when I spoke to the OLS class in 

One is that SSS is on facebook, and you all are invited to join our 
group.  It is EOSC-STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES.  All our activities will be 
announced there as well as in an e-mail. 

The other thing I forgot is pretty important.  If you are a participant 
in our program, you may qualify for a grant aid scholarship.  This is 
grant aid that doesn't have to be paid back, so come by and let me tell 
you about it.  I am in room 115 in Johnston Hall.  If you are not taking 
classes on Wilburton Campus, you may e-mail your questions to 
slovett at eosc.edu or call me at 918-465-1823.

I am so happy to have another opportunity to give student assistance to 
the students at Eastern.  I and my staff are committed to helping 
students succeed!

Sue Lovett, Director
Student Support Services
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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