[Eoscstudents] McAlester Visits for SSS Program.

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 23 14:43:57 CDT 2010

I will be traveling to McAlester on Thursday afternoons this semester.  
If you are a participant, or a student who is interested in joining the 
program, please look for me in the lobby area of the Wanda Bass Building 
in McAlester at 4:00 p.m.  This schedule will meet the needs of the most 
of our McAlester participants this semester.  If it is not convenient 
for you, call me to make arrangements to meet.  My number is 
918-465-1823, or you can e-mail me at slovett at eosc.edu.

This opportunity to meet with SSS staff, in order to fulfill your 
activities for the SSS program this semester, is being provided by the 
SSS TRiO program and is a special service provided for you.  We realize 
that you want some of our services, such as book lending, tutoring, and 
grant aid scholarships, and that it is hard for you to travel to 
Wilburton to take advantage of the services provided, so I have arranged 
my schedule to meet with you on Thursday afternoons this semester so 
that you can be an active participant and be eligible for grant aid.

We are requiring that you do the 5 workshops we are required to provide 
for you before you can be eligible for the grant.  These workshops are 
available on a cd and I will bring them with me so you can complete 
them.  All 5 take about 30 minutes to complete, so please arrange to 
meet with me at 4:00, when I get there, to do them.

I will look forward to meeting you for the first time on Thursday, 
September 9.  I will be preparing for a conference in San Diego this 
week and will be gone till after Labor Day next week, so I will see you 
the following Thursday. (9/9/210)

Have a great semester, and call me if you have any questions or need 
help with anything.

Sue Lovett, Director
Student Support Services
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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