[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. DECEMBER 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Dec 1 10:08:53 CST 2010

Hi folks,

Wow, I can't believe it's December already!   But considering how cold 
it is outside, I guess I CAN believe it.  BRRR!  At least I didn't have 
to struggle with a frosty windshield this morning, but it's coming, I 
know.  Better locate those gloves and windshield scrapers, and get that 
de-icer ready.  Seems like that stuff is hard to find in the stores.  
They've got 57 different varieties of things to shine your tires up 
(before you have to drive them in mud and dirt and get them dirty 
again), but de-icer is almost extinct where I've been looking.  I wound 
up buying a big jug of it from Dollar Store and transferring some of it 
into a smaller squirt bottle to use since I couldn't find the cans of 
spray de-icer.  It's probably more economical buying the big jug anyway, 
so I should probably quit squawking and just be happy I could find THAT.

I'm looking forward to the Employees Christmas Reception this 
afternoon.  There are lots of goodies being prepared for it here in the 
Cafeteria, and I've been dying to sample some of them.  Be sure and come 
over to the Ballroom this afternoon at 3:45 for this wonderful annual 
event, and be ready to sample lots of tasty goodies!  We"ll also be 
recognizing three of our long-time campus employees as they prepare to 
retire:  Donna Rice, Registrar; Judy Tate, OMTI Director; and Leona 
Johnson of our Human Resources office.  

After that, later this evening, the students will take over the Ballroom 
for the formal Snow Ball, a wonderful chance to see that these young 
folks really do clean up nicely.  

Our menu for today includes:
          Roast beef
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Black eyed peas
          Vegetable beef soup
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a yummy Brownie.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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