[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Dec. 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Dec 2 10:08:22 CST 2010

Hi folks,

I believe everyone who attended the Employee Christmas Reception 
yesterday had a great time.  There was a really good turnout, great 
singing and entertainment by the Sound Sensations directed by Mr. Paul 
Enis and accompanied on piano by Mrs. Mary Ford, and lots of wonderful 
goodies provided by the Cafeteria Crew.  Many thanks to Pres. Smith for 
hosting this wonderful event for Eastern's employees.  (Janice 
Forwoodson, the "new girl" in the Human Resources office couldn't have 
picked a better first day on the job!)   The only downside, if there 
could be said to have been one, is that we are about to bid farewell to 
three of our long-time, most dedicated
Eastern employees.  Donna Rice, EOSC Registrar, Leona Johnson of our 
Human Resources office, and Judy Tate, director of the Oklahoma Miner's 
Training Institute here on campus, are all leaving us this month, and 
will be sorely missed by all.  Donna and Leona were able to attend the 
reception, but Judy, unfortunately was unable to be there.
Be sure and come out this Sunday Dec. 5 for the 84th annual 
Candlelighting program at EOSC.  There will be one performance at 5:00 
p.m. and another at 8:00 p.m. free to all.  It is sure to be a 
heartwarming performance as our talented music students perform to the 
theme "I'll Be Home for Christmas".

With temperatures at night dipping down below freezing, be sure and put 
out warm bedding for any of your pets that have to be outside.  This is 
especially important for older pets, or the very young or small 
animals.  It's much better to find a way to allow them indoors.  If you 
don't want to be out in the cold, you can bet they probably don't either. 

Our menu for today includes:
            Baked chicken breast
            Baked potatoes
            Green beans
            Mixed vegetables
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a luscious Lemon Bar.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)    

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