[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Dec. 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Dec 6 10:02:41 CST 2010

Hi folks,

Wow, where has the semester gone?  It's Finals Week here at Eastern, so 
regular schedules are out the window for teachers and students.  We had 
lots more than the usual crowd come in for breakfast this morning to 
charge up the old brain cells, hoping to fuel up and be awake and alert 
to get through today's finals.  As for tomorrow's, and the rest of the 
week, you'll want to be sure and come over to the Cafeteria for "Pillows 
and Pancakes" this evening, from 11:00 to 1:00 for a cram session of 
studying and eating a late night pancake breakfast.  This will give 
students a great chance to find a classmate and brush up on all those 
facts and formulas that you may not quite have down yet, while enjoying 
some good food and friendship with others who are in the same boat with you.

A little bird told me that today is the birthday of our new Postal 
Clerk, David Martinez.  If I had known that I'd've wished him a happy 
one when I went to mail a bill off a while ago.  Anyway, David, we at 
Eastern hope you have a great birthday!

I hope you all got to attend Eastern's 84th Candlelighting last night.  
It was a great performance by both the singers, and actors, (not to 
mention all the backstage folks it takes to pull it all together).  
Congratulations to Mr. Paul Enis and all his performers on another 
wonderful performance!

Our menu for today includes:
            Beef stroganoff
             Steamed red potatoes
             Green beans
             Mixed vegetables
             Sauerkraut and smoked sausages
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a piece of Pumpkin Pie.

Have a great day, and good luck with finals,

Rhoda   :-)  
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