[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Feb. 18

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 18 10:08:06 CST 2010

Hi folks,

It's been a rare occurrence lately, but the sun is once again shining 
today!  (I don't think the next batch of clouds and storms is due to 
arrive till sometime tomorrow, just in time for the weekend.)

Out at the PAWS pens we're still trying to dry up the mud we got from 
the last batch of precipitation, (snow, rain, sleet, whatever)  that 
came through.  I made the rounds out there yesterday evening, and 
noticed one of the dogs that just appeared completely worn out.  Too 
tired to move and I had to step over her numerous times to do my 
chores.  I kept thinking, "How could she be this tired?  She doesn't 
have to get up early, she doesn't have a job, or kids or a husband, no 
classes or housework or anything to wear her out this bad."  But she was 
completely zonked and I really wanted nothing more than just to plop 
down and join her.  People talk about working like a dog.  Man, I wish!  
That would be the life!

I believe Wilburton High School is putting on their musical tonight and 
tomorrow night, so if you want to get out of the house and be 
entertained, that would be a good place to go.  (I was told it's at 
7:30, but you might want to confirm that with the school.)  Maybe we'll 
be seeing some of their stars here on Eastern's stage in a year or two. 

Our menu for today includes:
                 Pork chops
                Baby baker potatoes
                Pinto beans
                Fried okra

And for dessert, have a yummy Chocolate Brownie.

Or if you're in the Grill mood, check  out our selection of tasty 
sandwiches for your lunchtime enjoyment.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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