[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Jan. 4, 2010

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jan 4 09:50:51 CST 2010

Hi folks and Welcome Back!

Hard to believe our Christmas break is already over, but it's good to be 
back, (now that the shock of having to get up early again has somewhat 
worn off).  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break, with lots of 
rest and good food.  It's certainly turned off cold to start off the new 
year, (great hot chocolate weather!), and according to the weather 
forecast, it will be even COLDER by the end of the week, (REALLY great 
hot chocolate weather!) so get prepared!  Sounds like we're going to 
have several at least 3 dog nights coming up!  I got a new coat for 
Christmas and some new shoes, along with a hat, scarf and glove set, so 
I have no excuse for letting myself get out and get too cold, (as long 
as I take time to bundle into all that).  I am seeing little bits of 
snow in the air out my window right now, so when you go out, you'd 
better bundle up.

Our menu for today includes:
          Salisbury steak
          Chicken strips
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          French fries
          Macaroni and cheese
          Green beans
          Baby carrots
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a delicious Brownie!

Have a great day and keep warm,

Rhoda   :-)

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