[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Dec. 5 No Grill

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 5 09:53:28 CST 2010

Hi folks,

I don't know if it's just a teensy bit warmer today, or if I just think 
it is because I'm not seeing any snow outside.  It may just be wishful 
thinking on my part.  I'm sure by the end of the week, I'll be wishing a 
lot harder, too!

I had one of my little "critter adventures" over Christmas break.  On 
Christmas Eve, a friend of mine gave me a goose, (because she knows I'm 
a sucker for critters and her other geese were picking on it.)  We let 
it out in my front yard and he waddled around thinking he was in a pen 
for a while.  Then he discovered the "pen" wasn't fenced all the way 
around, so he headed off to the back of the house.  Fortunately, he just 
circled around and came right back to the front yard, but before he got 
quite back inside it, he figured out he had just waddled himself right 
back into the "pen" he  had just escaped from, so he turned and went 
toward the road and I had to hurry and direct him back closer to home.  
Then he headed off toward our shed and I thought he'd be okay since 
there was a fence behind it, and I figured he wouldn't wander off into 
the woods, but would stay closer to the house.  Never underestimate a 
determined goose.  I had to go in the house for a minute for something 
and when I came back out, the goose was gone!  I called for him, and 
could hear him way off in the distance.  Who'd've thought a goose could 
travel that fast without flying!  I headed off through the woods, and 
would stop and call him every so often, and could still hear him off in 
the distance, but he seemed to be getting farther away.  I wasn't sure 
if this meant he was waddling faster than I was, or if I was going the 
wrong direction.  I finally decided to head back up closer to our pond, 
cause if I was a goose, that's where I'd want to go, but still no 
goose.  Fortunately, though, he did sound closer when I got up there, so 
I headed off in the direction of the honking, and starting hearing 
people.  I thought this was a  good thing, until I heard someone yell, 
"Catch him and we'll eat him!"  Then I started yelling (and waddling 
faster myself) until I came to our fence and could see the lost goose 
who had just been captured by a neighbor boy, with another neighbor 
standing there eying my goose like he was already stuffed.  They gave 
him back once I told them I had been looking for him, that he had 
wandered away when I had gone in the house, so I carried him back to the 
yard and decided I'd better put him in a pen for a while at least.  He 
showed his grateful appreciation of my valiant rescue efforts by 
pinching the stuffings out of my arm with his beak  (Yes, I was a victim 
of goose abuse.)  After almost 2 weeks, I think he's finally decided I'm 
not so bad, since I'm the one who brings him food and water every day, 
so the biting had lessened (some).  If he only knew how close he had 
come to being a "Christmas goose" before I rescued him, he'd be nicer to me.

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Gear Up's George Larson.  Have a 
great day, George, just don't freeze up!

Our menu for today includes:
          Soft shell tacos
          Chicken fry steak
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Fried okra
          Bread sticks

And for dessert, have some Chocolate Cake or Peach Cobbler.

Keep warm and have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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