[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Jan. 7, 2010

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 7 09:57:21 CST 2010

Hi folks,

I bet you all thought I wasn't here yesterday when I didn't send out a 
menu, but we were rearranging the furniture in my office, trying to get 
the best arrangement with the unusual space I've got, and after moving 
things one way and the other, (with my desk and short file cabinet 
winding up right back where they started), we just stuck the new file 
cabinets in an empty space and started filling them up.  At last I feel 
like I'm moving in!  I've sort of been living out of boxes since we've 
been over here, but now I can take care of that problem.

According to my computer we've reached a balmy 18 degrees outside, and 
it looks like the sky has cleared and the flakes of snow I was seeing a 
while ago have stopped, at least for a while.  It misted enough last 
night to freeze my car door shut this morning, so I had to get something 
to pry it open with, but driving wasn't as hazardous as I was afraid it 
would be.   Please don't forget to look after your pets, plants and 
pipes in this dangerously cold weather.   I have to take water that I 
bring from in the house out to my goose every day and as cold as the 
weather is, he still wants to duck his head under it and wash in it as I 
pour it.  Of course it doesn't take it long to freeze up, making it 
impossible to drink or play in, so I know he's glad to see me coming 
with it every time.  I guess we've made peace after his Christmas Eve 
rescue.  He's finally realized that I'm where his food and water comes 
from now, so he'd better be nice to me!   

Our menu for today includes:
          Hamburger steak
          Homemade cheese enchiladas
          Refried beans
          Spanish rice
          Baked potatoes
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some luscious Banana Pudding.

Bundle up and have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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