[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. July 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jul 6 09:44:38 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

I hope you all had a happy and safe 4th of July weekend and holiday.  
Went to the fireworks display at the Choctaw Indian Hospital at Talihina 
Friday evening and was afraid it was going to be rained out, but the 
rain let up and they went ahead with the show.  Then Sunday night my 
husband's family had their cookout and fireworks and we went to that.  I 
am always amazed by my brother and sister in law's dog  who LOVES 
fireworks.  Most dogs run from the loud pops and hide under the bed or 
somewhere, but this one would chase those things to the moon if she 
could fly.  She leaps into smoke bombs, chases rockets, and tries to 
chase and grab up any thrown thing.  It's just all a big wonderful game 
to her.  Evidently she's never actually caught one, but she acts like 
the whole display is done just so she can chase the sparkles and pops. 

It looks like we've got a chance of rain for the next several days, so 
if you leave your windows cracked so your vehicle won't get too hot, be 
ready to run and roll them up!  You never can tell what'll happen with 
our Oklahoma weather!

Our menu for today includes:
            Baked ham
            Baby red mashed potatoes
            Fried squash
            Green beans
            Hot rolls
And for dessert, have a Brownie.

For dinner we'll be serving:
          Fire roasted rice blend
And Cookies for dessert.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)           


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