[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 21 No Grill this week

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 21 09:48:41 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

It looks like a whole string of temperatures in the mid 90s coming at us 
during the next several days, and upper 70s at night, so get prepared 
for the heat.  I was surprised last week when we started to leave after 
a quick trip into the grocery store that my car wouldn't start.  Dead.  
Turn the key and nothing.  Charlie Lyons had had the same experience 
last year, and told me that when he got his battery replaced, the 
employee at the automotive store told him they had replaced 10 batteries 
that day!  Evidently the heat is as bad on car batteries as the cold is, 
if not worse!   Either way, being stuck out in extreme temperatures with 
a vehicle that won't go is a lousy way to spend your time.  After 
repeated tries at jumping the thing, where it would start and go about 
half a block or less and die, we finally had to replace the battery, and 
then were able to get on the road again.   What a relief!  I was glad 
this all happened in the heart of civilization and not out in the middle 
of nowhere!  Makes me think it would probably be a good idea to carry a 
gallon jug of water in the car just in case.

Our menu for today includes:
       Spaghetti with meat sauce
       Broccoli and cheese
       Steamed red potatoes
       Garlic bread
       Grilled chicken on a bun
       French fries

And for dessert, have a Raspberry Jello Square.

Keep cool,

Rhoda    :-)

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