[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. June 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jun 9 10:07:19 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

Looks like we might luck out again and stay out of the 90s thanks to the 
cloud cover.  Of course, it may send me and quite a few others scurrying 
to roll our windows all the way up before too long again, too, but 
that's okay.   I still prefer that to the extreme heat.  And evidently 
I'm not the only one.  There seems to be a lot more activity in my yard 
at night than in the daytime.  Our "gardener" makes regular visits at 
night, sending the dogs into a frenzy of barking to let me know he's out 
there.  (No, we're not rich with a staff, we just have an armadillo that 
comes around every night "aerating and debugging" our lawn for us.)  And 
I swear I think I heard a deer snort in the yard last night, which the 
dogs also let me know about.  (I hope the gardener hasn't taken on an 
assistant to help prune my tomato plants!  It was bad enough when the 
goose did it.)

Gear Up Camp #2 will be ending today, and #3 will kick right off 
tomorrow and end on Saturday.  I'm sure our Gear Up crew will breathe a 
BIG sigh of relief at that point, after having 6 straight days of camp, 
plus 3 days last week.  I'm sure it's a lot of work, but it looks like a 
lot of fun to me, and I'm sure the kids enjoy themselves.

Construction on our new Eastern sign looks to be complete, just awaiting 
the lettering to let the world know we are Eastern Oklahoma State 
College and proud of it!

Our menu for today includes:
          Hard shell tacos
          Refried beans
          Mexican rice
          Pinto beans

And for dessert have a piece of Fruit Cocktail Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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