[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. June 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jun 29 09:56:52 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

It's looking like we're going to be having some slightly cooler weather 
for the next several days.  I looked on the Weather Channel site and I 
didn't see a single 100 for the foreseeable future!  The highest 
temperature it showed for the next 10 days was 95 and that was late next 
week.  I can deal with that kind of weather!

We had a strange Cat-tastrophe this weekend.  One of our kittens has 
appeared to be dying 3 times now.  (I figure he's down to his sixth 
life.)  The first time it happened, we REALLY thought he was a goner.  I 
found him lying in the yard, unresponsive, limp and semi-conscious.  I 
thought he'd had a heat stroke, as it had been a very hot day.  I took 
him inside to cool him off, without noticing much change in his 
condition the entire night.  Finally, the next morning, he sat up 
groggily and we got him to eat a little soft food and drink a little 
water.  Didn't have a clue what had gone wrong with the little stinker, 
but he seemed fine afterwards.  A second time, he just seemed to be 
really deeply asleep, or unconscious.  We tried waking him up every way 
we could think of with no response.  Once again, when he woke up, he was 
ready to eat.  This third time, I decided that if he was going to keep 
doing this, (and really wasn't dying), we needed to find out what was 
wrong with him.  I ran him out to Dr. Tim Forwoodson Friday morning, 
(again in his little kitty coma), and found out he has hypoglycemia!  I 
never before heard of a cat with low blood sugar!  Evidently we're going 
to have to baby him a lot and make sure he gets to eat several times a 
day.  He's liable to wind up as fat as my daughter's chihuahua, Sadie 
Mae, before it's over with.

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Eastern's newly published author, Mr. 
Roland Newby, the McAlester campus's evening librarian.  Congratulations 
on the publication of your book and your birthday, too!

Our menu for today includes:
            Steamed red potatoes
            Corn on the cob
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a piece of delicious Cheesecake!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)        
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