[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. June 30

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jun 30 10:00:03 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

Well, June is just about water under the bridge, and we've got a long 
holiday weekend coming up.  I always look forward to the beautiful 
fireworks displays, (the sight more than the sound).  We usually wind up 
going to the one at the park, and the one at the Choctaw Hospital at 
Talihina, as well as getting together with my husband's family and 
shooting some fireworks there.  If you have pets that are afraid of loud 
noises, like thunder, guns or fireworks, please keep them in a secure 
area that's as comforting as you can make it.  Give them a cozy bed to 
snuggle in, their favorite toy, and try playing a radio or TV for them 
to help drown out the scary noises.  They'll appreciate whatever you can 
do to ease their fears and let them know they're safe.

Our campus Chief of Police, Mike Nowlin, will be celebrating his 
birthday this Saturday.  I bet he took vacation at this time just so I 
couldn't pick on him about how old he's getting. 

And everyone will celebrate with Grants Manager, Debbie McIntyre, when 
she has her big day on the 4th of July.  She's a real firecracker!

Our menu for lunch today includes:
             Homemade scalloped potatoes
             Black eyed peas
             Winter blend vegetables

And for dessert, make yourself a Banana Split.

For dinner this evening, we'll be serving:
             Grilled chicken on a bun
             Baked potato bar
             Frito chili pies

And we'll have Cookies for dessert.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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