[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. March 9 Grill open

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Mar 9 09:49:40 CST 2010

Hi folks,

It's looking like a really nice day outside.  I can't even see a cloud 
from here (and don't want to)!   It does look like the March winds may 
have kicked in though.  Might be a good day to go fly a kite!  

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Noreen Dollins of the Bookstore.  
I hope she has big fun on her special day!  And if she wants to include 
the rest of us that would be good too!

All you Biggest Loser contestants, don't forget to go for your weigh-in 
today!  Sheryl has promised a low-calorie chocolate treat to try.  
(Makes me want to go over!)

I bet the photo club and everyone registered to go with them on the trip 
to England, Ireland etc. over spring break are getting really excited!  
It won't be long and they'll be  having the time of their lives.  Steve 
Akins mentioned that they will be in Ireland on St. Patrick's Day!  That 
would be so awesome!  I definitely want to see pictures when they get 

If the plans haven't changed, there is a special nutrition program 
scheduled to be ITVd in from the McAlester campus to Baker Room 115 and 
Idabel Room 2 at 1:00 today featuring Cathy Durbin, registered dietician 
from the McAlester Regional Hospital.  She will present "Weight Loss 
Tips and How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in a Hurried World".   All 
employees and interested individuals are invited to attend.  Many thanks 
to instructor Julie Collins for arranging this special health-oriented 
program.   Biggest Loser contestants, as well as everyone else, should 
be able to go to this and learn some useful weight loss and health tips 
from it.

FYI:  The Cafeteria will close after lunch this Friday and will remain 
closed until we return from Spring Break on Monday March 22. 

Our menu for today includes:
          Pork loin
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Catalina blend vegetables
          Sweet peas
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a hunk of Chocolate Cake!

Have a great day, get out and enjoy the sunshine while we have it!

Rhoda   :-)


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