[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. March 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Mar 23 09:35:26 CDT 2010

Welcome back everyone!

Wow!  Who'd've thought when we went off to Spring Break that we'd have 
almost a foot of snow to contend with before we got back!  Not me, 
that's for sure!  So my de-icer and windshield scraper are in my wagon 
which is in the shop, awaiting a transmission transplant, (I may have to 
take up a collection for this so be sure and donate generously LOL), and 
I was out there yesterday morning scraping the windshield of my borrowed 
ride with a spatula and a butter knife.  I may not be much of a cook, 
but I found out that I can spatula a windshield pretty good!  I also 
found out that even though the snow looks pretty even, what is under it 
may not be, and if you're not careful you'll wind up making half a snow 
angel in it!  

Now that the snow is pretty much melted, I can begin to see all the 
spring blossoms coming out on the Bradford pears, forsythias, and those 
beautiful red flowering quinces, along with daffodils and hyacinths.  I 
made sure to bring in a small bouquet of my daffodils before the snow 
hit, and it's a good thing because now the ones that I didn't pick are 
on the ground from the weight of the snow.  (I'm just SO glad it wasn't 
ice, like we've had a couple of times before in the past few years!)

Don't forget about the Biggest Loser Weigh-in today!  Time to go see if 
you were good over Spring Break! 

And be watching for the email I'll be sending out soon about new 
breakfast options in the Cafeteria!

Our menu for today includes:
          Pork chops
          Buttered potatoes
          Peas and carrots
          Broccoli cuts
          Refried beans
          Spanish rice
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, dive into a yummy piece of Chocolate Cake!

And don't forget the Grill is open today.

Have a great Tuesday,

Rhoda   :-)

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