[Eoscstudents] Workshop today is cancelled

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 25 08:07:10 CDT 2010

The SSS workshop scheduled for today on the McAlester Campus is 
cancelled and will be re-scheduled.  I'm Graduating--Now What? was 
scheduled for 3:00 today, March 25.  Look for the new schedule for this 
workshop as well as any others.  Call June at 465-1822 or Kathy at 
465-1860 to find out how you can take advantage of viewing these 
workshops on-line.

If you are a graduating Student Support Services participant, please 
contact me at 918-465-1823.  We are planning to have a very nice 
luncheon and honor recognition for the graduates on May 5th, but we need 
to hear from you so we will know how many to plan for.

Thank you,
Sue Lovett, Director
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