[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. March 24

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Mar 24 10:11:46 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

There doesn't seem to be any trace of our big snowfall left, other than 
the mud it created, and I'm afraid that's going to get worse if those 
clouds follow through with their threat.  Get out those umbrellas!  
April showers may be arriving a bit early.

Looking at our bulletin board, it looks like we're going to be having a 
really busy rest of the week here in the Cafeteria.  We'll be providing 
refreshments for a group meeting in the Ballroom all day tomorrow, the 
Board of Regents will be meeting Friday and will have lunch in the 
President's Dining Room, plus we've got to be ready to feed all the kids 
that will be here with the speech tournament, (not to mention our 
regular crowd), and then Saturday evening we'll be catering the Sapphire 
Ball/Black and White Gala. Whew!  No wonder Mildred is stressed!

Darren Schoggins, if you're out there, have a great birthday!

Our menu for today includes:
          Pasta bar
          Chicken strips
          French fries
          Green beans
          California blend vegetables
          Broccoli and cheese soup
          Garlic bread

And for dessert, have a hunk of Earthquake Cake!   (Purely by 
coincidence we served this the day of the disastrous earthquake in 
Haiti, but we deny any responsibility for this event.  And if it happens 
again, we may have to delete this from our menu!)

And remember our Grill is open!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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