[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue May 4 09:51:56 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

I think I'm having flashbacks.  I almost put April 4, then had to 
rethink it.  This year is really flying by!  My daughter went to her 
Junior Prom last weekend, and that's really hard for me to believe!  The 
Employee Recognition Reception is today at 4:00 in the Ballroom.  
Wouldn't you know, everyone who has been here 5, 10, 15 or more years 
will be getting their pins today, and I will have been here 5 years in 
two more days!  Talk about just missing the deadline.  It's kind of like 
when I started school and you had to be 6 by November 1st.  I missed it 
by 26 days!  The Graduation Appreciation Luncheon is tomorrow, so all 
this year's graduates should plan on attending that at noon in the 
Ballroom.  Thursday will be the Nurse's Pinning Ceremony and Reception, 
and finally Friday will be the Graduation Cookout and Graduation 
Ceremony!  I think I get a touch of "Empty Nest Syndrome" every time we 
lose a batch of graduates, so I can just imagine how some of the 
teachers feel, after having spent much more time than I've gotten to 
with the students. 
Don't forget, today is the next to last Biggest Loser Weigh-in!  Time to 
go make sure you're still on the right track!  And if you're not, maybe 
you need to get on the track...the walking track, that is, and give it 
all you've got for one more week to turn this thing around! 

Our menu for today includes:
            Pinto beans
            Turnip greens           
            Macaroni and cheese with little smokies
            Potato wedges

And for dessert, have a piece of Chocolate Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)      
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