[Eoscstudents] Lead 2 Read

Sally Davis sdavis at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 15 14:21:28 CDT 2010

As the coordinator for the Eastern Lead 2 Read program I am seeking 
student volunteers from Athletics, Student Govt., PTK, Honors, Cheer and 
any student club to agree to be readers once a month at our local 
elementary school in Wilburton.  The listed dates are below.  We are 
organizing this program for the lower grades (pre-k thru 2nd) first and 
may add 3rd-5th grade by January 2011.   Maria Martinez our Librarian 
will assist us in choosing appropriate books to read that coordinate 
with the various grades.  We will be reading for 14 classes and I need a 
minimum of 4 students per class but will happy to take more.  If we get 
a large number of volunteers we may take the Eastern bus over to the 
school on the various dates.  All dates are on Fridays and all times are 
1:45 pm.  If you are someone who would be interested please contact me 
ASAP so we can be organized for our first trip on October 29th.  This is 
an excellent way to utilize community service hours if your scholarship 
requires it.  It is also a positive way to build responsible student 
leaders, be charitable and is an excellent marketing tool for Eastern.  
Be part of the solution and come help us out.  Dr. Sally E. Davis Dean 
of Students

Dates for Lead 2 Read:

Friday Oct 29, 2010
Friday Nov 12, 2010
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Feb 25, 2011
Friday March 25, 2011
Friday April 29, 2011
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