[Eoscstudents] VOICE YOUR VOTE Competition - Needing your help if possible THIS WEEK

Brenda Kennedy bkennedy at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 15 14:50:41 CDT 2010


The Phi Theta Kappa Leadership class is conducting the competitive ‘Voice
your Vote’ competition this week – Sept. 13-17th. In the past we have placed
or won 1st in this competition against ALL other colleges in the great state
of Oklahoma!!!. The Campus Compact has divided the competition based on
enrollment this year. We are in the under 3,000 student category in the


The total number of students who register at Eastern will be forwarded and
entered into the competition from all colleges across the State of Oklahoma.
We are hoping for help from you to help us in this endeavor. If a student
helps they can register for the prizes we are going to give away on Friday.
An IPOD Touch is 1st prize, $50 cash for 2nd prize, $25 cash for 3rd prize.
If a student can encourage and get another student to sign a registration
form and turn it in, they can input their name into the prize drawing for
each registration card they bring. Multiple chances to win for those who are
willing to work a little J!!


Students need to complete a voting registration card:

·         if you they have never registered before

·         if they need to change their address (the new 911 home address
requirement that just went into effect in our area could be used here)

·         if they need to change their name

·         if they need to change their party affiliation

All of these count in our competition



ü  PTK Leadership students are setting up booths in McAlester on Wednesday
evening to catch both the 5:00 classes and the 7:30 classes offering snacks
if students sign up.

ü  PTK Leadership Students are setting up booths in both Miller and Johnston
Hall in the evenings of Monday and Tuesday.

ü  Wednesday we will be hosting free hot dogs, chips and a drink for those
who sign up in the front of the New Student Center. This will be from 12
p.m. until 2 p.m.

ü  Friday, PTK Leadership students will be setting up a table in the Nursing
Department with snacks.

ü  Constitution Day is Friday, September 17th. Eastern’s Honors Speech
students are hosting this event. THE DRAWING WILL BE HELD AT THIS TIME!!



Students: If your interested in helping in the competition, please come to
one of the tables or come by Mitchell 115 and see Mrs. Kennedy or PRT 202
and see Mrs. Breslford or any one of the Honors PTK Leadership students who
will have forms with them in their classes.  The honors students who you can
contact about forms and an entry for the drawing are: O’Karo Akamune,
Sungyeon Choi, Jessie Collins, Jessica Davison, Dalton Fazekas, Michael
Freeman, Stewart Harbin, Clay Hartin, Kassandra Kelley, Cody Meek, Jordan
Mings, Laura Myers, Stephanie Reynolds, Maranda Rosiere, Larissa Sivic,
Tyler Tucker, and Amy Woods.  



Brenda Kennedy


Department Chairman

Computer Information Systems

Eastern Oklahoma State College

Office - Mitchell 115B

Office Phone: 918-465-1745

e-mail: bkennedy at eosc.edu


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