[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Sept. 27 Cyber Cafe closed today

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 27 10:08:03 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

It looks like some fine Fall weather has finally made it to us.  
Everything is starting to revive after the summer heat wave.  My crape 
myrtles are starting to put out more blooms, and my clematis is sending 
out shoots when I thought it was about beyond hope.  Of course, they 
won't have time to do very much before winter nips them in the bud, but 
it's always nice to see that they are still alive.

I haven't heard how any of Eastern's games turned out, but I got to go 
to the Wilburton vs. Panama high school football game Friday night and 
see Wilburton win one!  That was their first win in a while and they 
were really jazzed up about it.   There are only a couple more home 
games for the Diggers, and the last one is their big rivalry with 
Hartshorne, on Nov. 5., known as the Battle of Gowen Mountain.  That 
ought to be a contest!

Bad news for Cyber Cafe fans today.  Due to unexpected absences, the 
Cyber Cafe will be closed today.  We're hoping to be back fully 
operational tomorrow.

Don't forget the Theatre Dept. will be presenting "Southern Hospitality" 
this Thurs. and Fri. evenings.  Be sure and make plans to come see it.  
For those of you who enjoyed "Southern Belles" last year, this will be 
along the same line, and is sure to be very funny.

Our menu for today includes:
          Chicken enchiladas
          Refried beans
          Scandinavian blend vegetables
          BBQ on a bun
          French fries
          Freschetta Flatz sandwiches   (New item)

And for dessert, have a helping of Cherry Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)


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