[Eoscstudents] Cultural Trips for SSS Participants

Kathy Howe khowe at eosc.edu
Tue Sep 28 17:18:39 CDT 2010

Student Support Services will be having two cultural trips this fall
semester for our participants.


The first trip will be to the Fort Smith Museum of History on Thursday,
October 21, 2010.  We will be leaving at 1:00 PM and our estimated return
time will be 7:00 PM.  We will provide dinner.


The second trip will be to the Fort Smith Little Theatre to see the play
"Twentieth Century" on Sunday, November 14, 2010.  Since I will need to
reserve tickets in advance for this trip and there will be limited seating,
the last day to sign up will be Wednesday, October 27.  We will be leaving
at 12:45 PM and our estimated return time will be 8:00 PM.  We will provide


If you would like to attend either of these trips, please stop by my office
in Johnston 118, or call me at 918.465.1860.  If I am not available when you
call, please leave your name, a contact number where I can reach you, and
tell me which trip you would like to attend.



Kathy Howe

Student Support Services

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