[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday April 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 1 09:37:47 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

I saw the most awesome sight on my way to work this morning!  I happened 
to glance up as I was driving in and saw a huge line of geese headed 
north.  The formation stretched halfway across the sky there were so 
many birds taking advantage of the next few days' wonderful weather 
outlook to make their way back to their summer homes.  I had seen a few 
small flocks headed south this past fall, but they seemed to be taking 
their time at it.  The geese this morning seemed to be in a hurry to get 
to where they were going and get on with the spring business of  making 
nests and raising next year's flock.

I believe most of my plants survived the frost we had night before last, 
but my little basil plant looks pretty rough.  We'll see if today's warm 
weather helps it perk back up any.

Don't forget to take your old household and automobile batteries, old 
papers, unwanted magazines, #1, 2 & 5 plastic bottles/containers, clean 
aluminum and steel cans, and empty printer ink cartridges to the 
Recycling Day at the OSU Extension Center parking lot Saturday from 8:00 
a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Do something good for our planet! 

Also, don't forget this weekend's Sapphire Ball.  I'd like to once again 
congratulate Ruth Askew Brelsford, this year's winner of the President's 
Excellence in Teaching Award, and Keith Lewis, winner of the J. C. Hunt 
Award.  They are both great assets to our campus and state.

Our menu for today includes:
          Fish strips
or       Salisbury steak
          Batter bites (potatoes)
          Pinto beans
          Fried okra
And for dessert, have a piece of Apricot Cobbler.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)

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