[Eoscstudents] [Fwd: [Eoscall] Cafeteria menu]

Mildred Whisenhunt mwhisenhunt at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 13 09:31:19 CDT 2011

Cyber cafe will be closed today due to so many staff out sick.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Eoscall] Cafeteria menu
Date: 	Wed, 13 Apr 2011 08:34:19 -0500
From: 	Mildred Whisenhunt <mwhisenhunt at eosc.edu>
To: 	eoscall at lists.onenet.net, eoscstudents at lists.onenet.net

Good morning everyone!

Our menu today includes:

Chicken alfredo
Steamed red potatoes
Mixed vegetable blend
Green beans
Garlic bread
Peach cobbler

Chili & cheese burritos

Thank you,
We appreciate your business!

Mildred Whisenhunt
Food Service Manager

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