[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Aug. 8 Welcome to Eastern!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 8 09:06:55 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

I'm pretty excited about this new semester!  This is the first time I've 
gotten to be the mom of a brand new Eastern student, (who is at this 
moment, in a very long line upstairs waiting to get her official Eastern 
student ID).   It's been super busy in our building today with 
registration taking place in one corner, and Dougo set up with his radio 
show on Mountaineer Radio in another corner.  Be sure and tune in to it 
at www.radio.eosc.edu to hear all kinds of great music, news, weather 
and sports, as well as special announcements, the occasional live 
interview and much more.  I'm sure the Bookstore has been busy, too, but 
I haven't made it down that far yet.  In a few days though, the initial 
rush and confusion will settle down to another typical semester, and 
life and learning will go on, back to business as usual.  

I failed to look far enough ahead on my calendar last week to see that 
Tracy Clark, one of our computer geniuses on campus, and husband of 
registrar Karen Clark, was celebrating a birthday yesterday.  I hope he 
had a great day!  He's a really nice guy and a great Eastern employee!

And today, Vice President of Business Affairs, LaDonna Howell, 
celebrates her birthday!  Any actual celebrating of that may have to 
wait until after all the registration hubbub dies down! 

Our menu for today includes:
          Chicken alfredo
          Broccoli spears
          Garlic bread sticks
And for dessert, have some Apricot Cobbler.

Have a great day at Eastern,
Rhoda   :-)

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