[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Aug. 15

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 15 10:11:34 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

What a sweet deal coming your way this evening, students!  All EOSC 
students should stop in the Student Center this evening from 6:00 to 
8:00 for the "Build Your Own Sundae Club Browse".  All campus clubs and 
organizations will be set up in the dining area, starting with Student 
Government (ESGA), who will provide the ice cream, followed by each of 
the other clubs with a different topping for your sundae.  (If I had to 
guess, I'd bet Psycho Club will provide the "nuts".)  Go around and 
visit with representatives from the wide variety of clubs on campus, and 
pick your favs to join.  This tasty event won't be the only thing campus 
clubs will be participating in.  There's the Halloween Carnival coming 
up, and Homecoming, and I believe each club is responsible for hosting 
one (or more) of the weekly dances on campus during the semester.  
Joining a club or two will help you meet new people with a common 
interest, build new friendships, and improve your teamwork skills.  
Extracurricular activities such as club memberships will also look great 
on your resume later on in your college career and in the work world!

Our menu for today includes:
          Smoked sausage with potatoes, peppers and onions
          Wild rice (much harder to catch than the tame rice)
          Stewed zucchini and tomatoes
          Black eyed peas
          Hot rolls
And for dessert, have a piece of Chocolate Cherry Chip Cake

Have a great day at Eastern,
Rhoda   :-)

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