[Eoscstudents] FW: [Eoscall] Parking

Mike Nowlin mnowlin at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 15 13:22:25 CDT 2011



From: eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Mike Nowlin
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 11:11 AM
To: eoscall at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [Eoscall] Parking


To All;


  The road behind Mitchell is for EMERGENCY vehicles only it will soon be
marked DO NOT PARK and curb painted red.

Students if there is a red curb it is for emergency vehicles only, if there
is a yellow curb it is a load / unload zone

only.  Do not park in these areas tickets are being issued this week for
this.  You must have a handicap placard on

your rearview mirror to park in these areas.  No parking on grass for any
reason.  Most staff / faculty parking are 

those that are most readily available in front of most buildings marked with
blue signs however there are exceptions,

behind field house, library, and first two rows north of field house in
Baker parking lot.  If you are a resident student

do not drive to classes on this campus to avoid being ticketed.  Most other
parking is for commuters and or visitors

to our campus.  Parking permits are delayed at the factory so until further
notice you will not be ticketed for not

having one.  Last word they gave us was they would be in Friday the 19th.
Will announce as soon as they are 

available. Please do not park where there is not marked with two yellow
lines, one on each side, then only park in 

this one spot not taking up two spaces, we have a lot of this happening.
Please do not park in front of doors behind Miller dorm also.  Most of this
is in your handbook, just

sending out this reminder to save yourself a ticket.


Thanks for your cooperation,

Mike Nowlin

Chief of Campus Police  

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