[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Jan. 3, 2011 Happy New Year!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jan 3 10:03:03 CST 2011

Hi folks,

Well, some of us are back at work, scrambling to catch up after being 
off for some time.  (That's the down side of all this wonderful time 
off, but hey, we'll deal with it.)  I hope everyone had a wonderful 
Christmas and terrific New Year.  I enjoyed my break, except for the 
week I had the bad cold.  That I could've done without.  It was the week 
of Christmas, and I had to take cold medicine to sleep comfortably at 
night.  I saw on the news where there was going to be an eclipse one 
night, and let my daughter know to wake me up so I could see it when it 
occurred, as she was going to be out in the boonies watching it with 
some friends, where street lights would not interfere or diminish the 
show.  She called me as requested, and I got my groggy, medicated self 
out of bed and went out to watch the rare spectacle until my neck 
couldn't stand it anymore and I went back to bed.  The next morning 
early, I was annoyed awake by a repetitive, strange, slightly vibrating 
sound, along with our goose, doing his usual loud honking call.  It 
gradually dawned on my fuzzy brain that all that noise was not the 
goose.  The other noise sounded like some sort of strange beeping horn 
or something, and I couldn't begin to imagine what it was.  I finally 
hauled myself out of bed and over to the window, where I looked out and 
beheld, of all things...no, not a partridge in a pear tree, or Santa and 
his reindeer, or even Bigfoot...but a white peacock!   My first thought 
was, "No one is going to believe this, especially if they find out I 
took cold medicine last night!", so to avoid all the grief from the 
doubting Thomases, I whipped out my cell phone and began taking pictures 
of the unusual bird, and yelled for my daughter to come and see it, 
too.  We still don't know where he came from, but I suppose he came to 
our house after hearing our goose.  It was a wild sight to wake up to, 
I'll tell you.  If anyone knows anything about proper peacock care we 
could probably use some peacock pointers.  So far we've just been 
feeding him corn and bird seed, and letting him peck around in the yard 
with the goose, but he seems happy enough, and only flies when our cats 
try to chase after him. 

Our menu for today includes:
            Salisbury steak
            Chicken strips
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Prince Edward blend vegetables
            California blend vegetables
            Brussels sprouts
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a helping of delicious Chocolate Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)      
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