[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 25 07:53:50 CST 2011

Hi folks,

A very nice day is predicted with temperatures getting up around 50 or 
so today, and supposed to get even better for the next week or so.  I'm 
officially ready for spring.  I saw a flock of robins fluttering and 
splashing in a roadside puddle this weekend, and as they are considered 
the harbinger or spring, the sight really gave my spirits a lift.  And 
if that wasn't enough, I was in the Dollar Store yesterday and they have 
this year's new gardening supplies out for sale already.  When I start 
seeing the first yard sale ads in the local paper, I'll know spring is 
getting really close! 

The upcoming spring-like weather will make it easier to get out and 
start exercising for those of us who have been cooped up in the house 
way too much this winter.  The EOSC Biggest Loser contest will kick off 
next week, so if you're serious about participating and winning, better 
get your strategy planned out.   The contest will run for 15 weeks or 
so, and will cost $30 to enter, ($2 a week), and the physical reward 
will be worth so much more in terms of your health and quality of life.

Be sure and tune into Mountaineer Radio, at www.radio.eosc.edu, every 
morning to listen to Dougo and some really great music, news of local 
events,  items of interest from all over, great giveaways, birthday 
announcements, and much more.  You can call in a request to 
918-465-6000, or email it to radio at eosc.edu. 

Our menu for today includes:
            Roast beef
            Grilled chicken breast
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            English peas
            Zucchini and tomatoes
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, choose from Chocolate, Butterscotch or Pecan Pie.  

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)      
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