[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. June 1 Cyber Cafe Open!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jun 1 08:53:46 CDT 2011

Hi folks and Happy June!

It's hard to believe that June has arrived already!  Man, time really 
does fly whether you're having fun or not!  From the looks of the 
forecast on the Weather Channel, we're set to start in on about a week 
of days with temperatures up in the 90's.  That's a little early to 
start that as far as I'm concerned, but I wasn't asked.  I'd be willing 
to rock on for several more weeks in the 70's or maybe 80's before we 
broke into the extreme temperatures. 

Our second Gear Up camp starts today, and we have Upward Bound going on, 
so we're going to be pretty busy feeding kids for a while.  Some people 
have the mistaken notion that we close up during the summer or that it 
slows down, but a great deal of the time, it seems busier than ever with 
all the various groups coming and going, juggling schedules, etc.

Yesterday ended an era at Eastern.  Hank Mooney, long time Director of 
Public Information here at Eastern, officially retired after decades 
here at his home away from home.  I see a lot of fishing in his future.  
He ate in the Cafeteria yesterday and was telling me about having gone 
fishing this past weekend and his granddaughter skunked everybody!  I'm 
sure they were both proud!  Sounds like Hank will have a little fishing 
buddy for sure there.  He did promise to be back every week for Kiwanis 
meetings, though, so we'll be able to see him and keep up with all his 
goings ons, hear some more fish stories, etc.

Our menu for today includes:
          Pork chops
or      Chili dogs and Fries
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Fried okra
          Navy beans
          Brussels sprouts
And for dessert, choose from a selection of pies, including Lemon, 
Chocolate and Butterscotch.

And don't forget, the Cyber Cafe will be open today!

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)            

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