[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. March 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 28 09:11:49 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Well, this weekend turned out much cooler than I wished for, and the 
week ahead is looking pretty chilly, also.  I don't think temperatures 
are supposed to get in the warm range until about Friday, (another great 
reason to look forward to Friday).  My daughter and I were all ready to 
get out and play in the dirt, planting flowers, etc. but it didn't take 
much time outside to decide that it was just a little chilly for that 
sort of thing Saturday. 

Evidently the chilly weather didn't affect our baseball team yesterday, 
as I heard Doug report on Mountaineer Radio (www.radio.eosc.edu) that 
they defeated Carl Albert 10-8.  Be sure and tune in to hear the WHS 
softball team take on Pittsburg today at 4:00.

I've always heard that everything has a purpose, and I was beginning to 
think that the only purpose our mean gander would ever serve is to keep 
us on our toes every time we left the house, keeping an eye on him to 
keep him from sneaking in a nip when we weren't looking.  We finally 
found a really useful purpose for the ornery old bird though, when my 
brother-in-law and two nephews came by and said they wanted to take it 
to their house to guard their chickens.  Some dogs have been bothering 
his flock of chickens and that ornery bird is certainly not afraid to 
chase off a dog, so he may have found his purpose in life.  I was afraid 
the peacock would leave if the gander wasn't there any more, but it 
still seems to be interested in sticking around, especially when I go 
out and feed it.  And it hangs out with the little tail featherless 
rooster we took in recently from one of my PAWS buddies who had had it 
dropped in with her chickens.  (Her rooster had a problem with having 
another rooster in his henhouse, so she needed to find this pitiful 
little fellow another place to call home.)  We have an unusual menagerie 
of birds, I admit, all of which seem to be male and can't lay us any eggs. 

Since I'm going to be off tomorrow, I want to remind everyone involved 
in the Biggest Loser contest to go weigh in tomorrow between 11:00 and 
12:30.   I hope you're all sticking to your plan of getting healthy and 
losing weight to improve your quality of life.

Our menu for today includes:
            Hamburger steak
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Stewed tomatoes
             Wild rice
             Hot rolls
And for dessert, have a piece of luscious Lemon Cake.

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)

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