[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. March 31 Cyber Cafe closed today

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 31 09:18:06 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Man, I wasn't ready for frost this morning!  And I suspect neither were 
my little plants I had already set outside.  I didn't have time to look 
this morning before coming to work, but I hope they're not frost 
bitten.  I didn't think it was supposed to get quite that cold last 
night.  I'm definitely ready for spring full-time.  I even started on 
giving one of our shaggy dogs her spring hair cut.  She's not fond of 
the process, so I have to do it gradually.  Right now she looks almost 
bald on her back, while the rest of her is shaggy.  (It might be a good 
thing she's blind and can't see herself!)  I put the discarded fur to 
good use though.  I have a suet feeder for the birds in the front yard 
that I don't use that much, so I took the fur from her clipping and 
stuffed it into the little baskets for the birds to use making nests.  
I've seen a couple over there pulling out bits to make soft linings for 
their future families. 

I had to go to the Maintenance Building the other day to pick up a box 
that had been delivered for the Cafeteria and noticed all the beautiful 
tulips blooming alongside Baker Hall.  They really add a splash of color 
and cheer to the area and our campus.

In order to allow our staff plenty of preparation time for upcoming 
events, we will not be opening the Cyber Cafe today.  Sorry for any 
inconvenience this may cause.

There will be a PAWS meeting this evening at 7:00 at the Public Library, 
as well as an adoption day at Atwood's in Poteau on Saturday.

There will be a Recycling Day held this Saturday from 8:00 to 2:00 in 
the parking lot of the OSU Extension Center, just south of the railroad 
tracks on Hwy. 2 South. Items they will be accepting during this event 
include:  paper, magazines, cardboard, plastic bottles/containers with 
#1, #2 or #5 designations, aluminum cans, household batteries, 
automobile batteries, "clean" steel cans and ink cartridges.   This will 
be the first of a series of three of these events throughout the year, 
so after Saturday keep saving these items for the next Recycling Day in 
a few months.   Look for the Big Belly Recycling containers that are 
permanently placed in various spots in town, too, as Wilburton gets on 
the recycling bandwagon.    

Our menu for today includes:
            Smoked sausage and roasted vegetables
or         Corn dogs
            Batter bites (potatoes)
            Navy beans
            Macaroni and cheese
And for dessert, have a piece of Fresh Apple Cake.

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda    :-)

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