[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 31 CYBER CAFE OPEN!!!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue May 31 09:24:42 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

I hope you all had a wonderful, long Memorial Weekend.  I enjoyed my 
time off.  Did several outdoor things I'd been meaning to do, including 
planting some cantaloupe plants.  We've been having some terrific 
cantaloupe on our salad bar lately here in the Cafeteria and it's given 
me a craving, so I decided to see if I could find some plants and grow 
my own.  There just happened to be a few plants left at Roy's (along 
with some big, juicy cantaloupes to buy and eat while you're waiting on 
yours to grow).  I bought a 4-pak and planted them, so we'll see what 
happens.  (I've read this gardener's tip that you can suspend your 
growing cantaloupes in pantyhose to help support them and keep them off 
the dirt.  When I was younger we actually had to wear the pantyhose!)  
My tomato plants are doing pretty well, and my husband's squash and 
cucumbers are beginning to take off also.  We might make gardeners yet.  
If we're still feeling this good about it by the end of the gardening 
season, we may plant even more next year.  We are just kind of dabbling 
in it this year, but with the price of groceries, gas, etc., it feels 
pretty good to be able to supply some of your own groceries.

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out to Physical Education instructor Loma 
Messex, who celebrated her big day yesterday.  I hope she had a great 
birthday and has a great summer, out picking blackberries and living the 
good life.

Well, we survived the first wave of Gear Up camps this summer, and are 
now waiting on the arrival of our Upward Bound campers and the second 
Gear Up group.  That's when it will really get busy around here!  

Mildred and Susie wanted me to let everyone know that we will be having 
breakfast items in the Cyber Cafe if you get hungry and miss the regular 
breakfast schedule.

I believe today is the start of the Business Office and other offices in 
the Library Building moving to their temporary location in Choctaw Hall 
so that their old offices can be remodeled.  This is going to be a 
confusing process.  I'm such a creature of habit that I'm liable to be 
all the way over to the Library building before I realize they "don't 
live there anymore", at least for a few months.   This is just one of 
the first steps in some wonderful renovations to take place on our 
campus in the near future, so please be patient with any inconvenience 
it causes.  It will definitely be worth it in the long run!

Our menu for today includes:
         Smoked sausage with roasted peppers, onions and potatoes
         Baked beans
          Macaroni and cheese
          Broccoli spears
          Hot rolls
And for dessert, have some luscious Peach Cobbler.

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)
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