[Eoscstudents] Michael Ginsburg concert

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Nov 11 15:55:46 CST 2011

Don't forget the wonderful concert planned for tomorrow evening at 7:00 
at the Presbyterian church here in Wilburton, 2 blocks north of the Post 
Office.  The featured musician will be Michael Ginsburg, a spectacular 
violin/fiddle player and the concert is sponsored by the Latimer County 
Arts Council.  Admission is FREE, but donations to help us bring 
artistic and cultural programs to the local schools are gratefully 
accepted.  Refreshments will be served and there'll be lots of wonderful 
folks to visit with before and after the performance. 

Some of the EOSC teachers are offering extra credit to students who 
attend this event, so if you need a few extra points in one of those 
classes, come and enjoy the music with us.

See you there,
Rhoda  Watkins    :-)
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